We have successfully used thermographic testing to monitor cold stores. Using infrared it is easy to see where a heated door seal is failing, or where a leak has occurred within the cold store itself. Where there are such extremes of temperature in this environment, the anomalies show up extremely well and can guide engineers to the exact point of the problem.
Incontinuity in insulation also proves a problem in cold stores, meaning more energy is used to keep a constant temperature, as the images show.
- Identify and locate the problem
- Cold Store Insulation Surveys
- Locate insulation breakdown
View One Of Our Sample Reports Below:

Why Use Us For Your Thermal Imaging?
- Save Time
- Money
- Resources
- ITC professionally trained Thermographers with electrical qualifications
What will I receive?
Upon completion of our thermal imaging survey you will receive a report that details the following:
- ITC professionally trained Thermographers with electrical qualifications
- High specification 640×480 cameras with wide angle lens
- Bespoke reporting software for instant report generation and online Webmanager data access to multiple users with specific access privileges (All assets will only view their own data, administrators will view all sites)
- Same Day’ delivered reports
- Dedicated scheduling and expert campaign management ensuring all data is returned correctly and quickly
- Recommendations for any further investigation required along with explanation